Letter to "The Economist"
This is the letter I send to the editor of the weekly magazine "The Economist" after reading the special report on Spain titled "The party's over" (November 8th-14th number):
"Dear Sirs,
until now I have thought that The Economist was a prestigious magazine. This week I realized that was untrue. With the opinions on Catalonia and the Catalan language that you expressed on your last number, you demonstrated to have no idea of what's the reality of this country (Catalonia) and the very complex and sensible relations between Catalonia and the central Castilian-spanish power. The writter of the special report on Spain, Michael Reid, the only thing that demonstrates with his statments on Catalonia and the Catalan language, it's that he is a supporter of the neofascist and the cultural and linguistical assimilation positioning of most part of the Castilian-spanish central rulers. I thought your magazine, as a led of the Great Britain spirit, was for Democracy and Liberalism. You have disappointed me, and a whole nation. Sincerely,
Roger T.
Catalan citizen"
"Dear Sirs,
until now I have thought that The Economist was a prestigious magazine. This week I realized that was untrue. With the opinions on Catalonia and the Catalan language that you expressed on your last number, you demonstrated to have no idea of what's the reality of this country (Catalonia) and the very complex and sensible relations between Catalonia and the central Castilian-spanish power. The writter of the special report on Spain, Michael Reid, the only thing that demonstrates with his statments on Catalonia and the Catalan language, it's that he is a supporter of the neofascist and the cultural and linguistical assimilation positioning of most part of the Castilian-spanish central rulers. I thought your magazine, as a led of the Great Britain spirit, was for Democracy and Liberalism. You have disappointed me, and a whole nation. Sincerely,
Roger T.
Catalan citizen"
5 comentaris:
A veure què et diuen.
Hola Joliu, com va tot, espero que bé. Ja fa una setmana que el vaig enviar, i no m'han contestat. O sigui que, amb tota probabilitat, ja no ho faran. Bé, ens anem veient per aquí.
A.N.? què cony és A.N.?
Roger, et penges el segell de BATblogs o què?
Joliu, encara que, lògicament, estic en contra del tripartit, de moment no em posarè el segell de BATblocs. En principi, no forma part de la meva política posicionar-me concretament a favor o en contra de partits o situacions polítiques, sinó que pretenc simplement donar una opinió catalanocèntrica de la política i de tot plegat. Bé, almenys aquesta és, de moment, la meva opinió al respecte.
Hola Roger, Feia temps que no llegia el teu bloc. Com tu mateix comentes, al perdre el 'tempo' d'escriure-hi, també l'has fet perdre de lleguir-lo.
Però, com més val tard que mai, només volia felicitar-te per reprendre'l. Com a lector, l'enorava.
Bé, a mí també m'agradaria saber com ha acabat
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